Podcast Episodes — 20 Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Stay Creative
Thought Row Episode 3: 20 Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Stay in a Creative Frame of Mind All Day Long
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Thought Row Episode 3: 20 Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Stay in a Creative Frame of Mind All Day Long Quote of the Week ~ Energy is the key to creativity, energy is the key to life - William Shatner 20 Suggestions on how you can spark creativity: I: Today as promised, Rod and I are going to give you 20 suggestions on how you can spark your creativity everyday. R: Just going over these has helped me to re-think some of the good habits and bad habits that I’ve picked up. Inci what...
- Tags: 20 Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Stay Creative, bad creative habits, creative, creative buddy system, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, loosen thoughts and creativity, motivation, motivational, Rod Jones Artist, techniques for creativity