Podcast Episodes — motivational
Episode 16: Spirituality in Creativity
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 16: Spirituality in Creativity Hosts Rod and Inci Jones share thoughts and ideas on how getting in touch with one’s spirituality impacts our creative lives. They discuss a quote by Wassily Kandinsky and have a conversation about creativity, spirituality and the effects of social media and opinions on your creativity. Show Notes: R: Hi everyone...And here we are...Celebrating what people love to do creatively... I’m Rod Jones I: And I’m Inci Jones...Welcome to the Thought Row podcast. We invite you to subscribe wherever you listen. We are available virtually anywhere you listen to your podcasts. ...
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- Tags: artist, creative, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, motivational, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, spirituality, spirituality in art, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, ThoughtRow Podcast, Wassily Kandinsky
Episode 15: Self Talk You Become What You Think About All Day Long
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 15: Self Talk You Become What You Think About All Day Long Tired of the inner dialogue that saps your creativity and energy? Hosts Rod and Inci Jones share thoughts and ideas on how you can improve your self talk and how it impacts your life and creativity in our contemporary world. Show Notes: R: Hi everyone...And here we are...Celebrating what people love to do creatively... I’m Rod Jones I: And I’m Inci Jones...Welcome to the Thought Row podcast. We invite you to subscribe wherever you listen. We are available virtually anywhere you listen to your...
- Tags: anxiety, art community, artist, creative, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, motivational, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, self talk, Self Talk You Become What You Think About All Day Long, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, ThoughtRow Podcast
Thought Row Episode 14: Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with Deborah Czernecky
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with Deborah Czernecky Like to paint outdoors? We do too… Then tune in to this week's podcast. Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with our special guest Deborah Czernecky. She is a full-time Plein Air landscape artist. You can hear her thoughts and ideas and learn the challenges when painting in the great outdoors. Deborah shares her extensive knowledge in what it takes to be a Plein Air artist that travels extensively. She also teaches students how to manage painting in diverse environments all over the world. Links for Deborah Czernecky IG - deborahczernecky_artistFB...
- Tags: art community, artist, creative, creative buddy system, creatives, creativity, Deborah Czernecky, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, motivation, motivational, motiviation, Plein Air, Plein Air Artist, Plein Air Painting, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist
Thought Row Episode 13: Market and Sell Your Art
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Thought Row Episode 13: Gavriella Abekassis - Market and Sell Your Art Introducing this week's special guest Gavriella Abekassis founder of The Artist Entrepreneur Club. She has made it her mission to help artists learn how to market and sell their art. Gavriella is an expert in helping artists better understand their role in marketing and presenting their artworks to galleries and individual clients. Artists that have subscribed to her program have seen real results. If you need positive and creative motivation to lift your spirits for the whole week, then tune in, wherever you listen to podcasts. "My mission...
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- Tags: art community, art marketing, artist, creative, creatives, creativity, Gavriella Abekassis, inspiration, Market and Sell Your Art, marketing art, motivational, Out of the Cube, Rod and Inci Jones, The Artist Entrepreneur Club, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, ThoughtRow Podcast
Thought Row Episode 12: Mary Ann Prack - Conversation with a Contemporary Woman Sculptor
Posted by Inci Johnson on

- Tags: art community, creative, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, Mary Ann Prack, Mary Ann Prack Sculptor, motivational, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, sculptor, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, ThoughtRow Podcast