Thought Row Episode 14: Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with Deborah Czernecky

Posted by Inci Johnson on

Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with Deborah Czernecky

Like to paint outdoors? We do too…  Then tune in to this week's podcast.

Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with our special guest Deborah Czernecky. She is a full-time Plein Air landscape artist. You can hear her thoughts and ideas and learn the challenges when painting in the great outdoors. 

Deborah shares her extensive knowledge in what it takes to be a Plein Air artist that travels extensively. She also teaches students how to manage painting in diverse environments all over the world.

Links for Deborah Czernecky

IG - deborahczernecky_artist
FB - Deborah Czernecky, SCA
Website -




Show Notes:

Adventures in Plein Air Landscapes with Deborah Czernecky


 Hi everyone...And here we are...Celebrating what people love to do creatively... I’m Rod Jones 

And I’m Inci Jones...Welcome to the Thought Row podcast. We invite you to subscribe wherever you listen. We are available virtually anywhere you listen to your podcasts. 

That’s right Inci...We know that people want to think more creatively, and will benefit from our weekly show. What are we discussing today? 

Today we’re going to be speaking with Deborah Czernecky. She is a plein air artist that has a lot of adventures while creating and painting in the great outdoors. 

This is going to be good because she has built a career and lifestyle out of painting outdoors. 

I’m anxious to hear this week’s quote. 

"Live in the sunshine...swim in the sea...drink the wild air.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


One of the most famous art movements of all times were the Impressionists. And they pretty much painted outdoors. 

Except when they had fruit on the table, that was fresh..then they painted indoors.

You must be referring to Cezanne. 


Some artists that have historically painted out doors have become very well-known for their subject matter. Like sunflowers or gardens. 

 You must be referring to Vincent Van Gogh and Monet. 


There are a lot of challenges when it comes to painting outside. 



R: You and I have painted indoors and outdoors. I personally would prefer to be outside. But when you paint on a larger format, you almost have to be in the studio.


Discuss - minstrel winds, Arles

I liked it when we would go out to the desert and paint. Remember the time when you, our daughter and I... all went out and we fixed a fire ring, had our coffee pot brewing coffee, delicious snacks and cookies...and painted all day. It kind of felt like a British expedition. 

Traditionally you think of outdoor painters as representational artists. But it is possible to paint abstracts when you are out of the studio. If it works for you, nature can inspire a gazillion patterns to build from. 


Not every artist has a studio maybe they just don’t have the space..and I suspect there are quite a few out there that don’t really want one and would rather be outside. 


I guess when the weather is bad it gives you time to plan your next painting adventure. 

What’s exciting and interesting to me is there are lots of plein air groups that people can join. Some even focus on travel and painting all over the world. So it becomes a travel experience as well as getting to acquainted with new people. 

Discuss - Canyon de Chelly

Outdoor painting gear...there is equipment specifically designed to make the artist’s life easier when painting on location. Like the pochade (poo-shahd) painting box. 

Discuss - Ranch foreman cowboy 

You can paint outdoors with oils, pastels, watercolors, acrylics, just about anything to express and capture your creativity. It’s all pretty portable. Altoid box...

Outdoor painting is for everyone. You don’t have to have all the equipment to make it work. Because you are painting small pictures, you have more time to enjoy the environment. 

It’s a great way to experience nature from the mountains to the sea. Although some people paint cityscapes. I’ve also noticed that for some people...It also gives them a purpose to explore new places that you might normally be uncomfortable exploring. Because sometimes some people might feel uncomfortable in new situations. So it gives you a purpose of being there and takes the awkwardness and discomfort. 

Discuss arch de triomph 

Well today we have Deborah Czernecky with us. She is a plein air artist and has some beautiful artworks. But the focus will be on her unbelievable adventures she has while plein air painting. 

Just listening to a few stories when we chatted with her on the phone was really fun to hear her adventures with nature.

Interview Deborah Czernecky - Adventures in Plein Air Landscapes

Deborah welcome to the Thought Row Podcast both Inci and I have been really looking forward to chatting with you. 


Hi Deborah so good to have you with us today. 


** It’s good to be with you today. 

You are a very creative and talented artist, and we are excited to talk to you about your career as a plein air painter. But before we begin, we like to start our show by asking what you had for breakfast.

For our listeners that may not know what exactly plein air means. Could you describe it for us?

Some of the most recognized artists were plein air artists. Do you have a favorite? 

What made you decide to become a plein air artist?

Were there other artists in your family that encouraged you to paint?

Your home base is Victoria, British Columbia and the name for your studio is The Spinning Dog Studio. How did you come up with the name? 

It looks like, as a plein air artist you are a four-season artist, which must be challenging. What are the three things that you consider most before you head out to paint?

The weather is always a consideration, but what other challenges do you face painting out in the wild? 

It looks like you lean towards smaller format paintings, which are quite beautiful in your representations of the environments that you paint. Does the size of the panels restrict you in any way?

On your blog you write about your musings, experiences and thoughts as you go through life as an artist. Tell us about that.

You have traveled to many parts of the world to paint. What place did you find to be the most challenging? 

Which of these places would you like to go back to? And where did you feel you did some of your best work?

Do you always paint alone? Or do you have a painting buddy? 

Have you ever painted in a large group of plein air artists? All focusing on the same subject.

Do you instruct or teach other artists about plein airing? 

How many times a week do you go out and paint? 

Because you paint outdoors, and probably have faced a few animals or critters. What experience was the most frightening to you? 

You have a saying where you refer to “Canada as your big backyard”, tell us about it. 

I suspect Canada can have some pretty cold winter seasons. Do you have a place to escape in the winter so you can warm up and paint? 

Tell us about your in-studio painting.

We noticed on Instagram that you were painting in your car. Tell us about that experience.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What do you want to be most remembered by? 

If you could sit on a park bench and chat with anyone from the past, who would it be? 

Deborah, you shared some interesting stories on Plein Air painting. We really appreciate you taking the time for this interview with Inci and I. 

Just letting everyone know...if you want to know more about Deborah Czernecky and her artwork we will have links in the show notes and also under the show guest tab on Thought Row So everyone can visit Deborah’s website and learn more about her and connect with her on social media. 

Thanks and goodbye Deborah.

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