Podcast Episodes — mental illness
Episode 40: Chess Brodnick - Interior Abstractions of Life
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 40: Chess Brodnick - Interior Abstractions of Life Our guest Chess Brodnick, a Psychotherapist and Artist, shares his story on how he is trying to point out the interior abstractions of life through his artwork. Chess is a self-taught artist that took 2-years to study and draw self-portraits. He drew from his memories and experiences, pushing his art to the very edge. As a psychotherapist, Chess is exposed to many emotions from his patients. He's even used his art-making to help his patients when nothing else would reach the severely mentally ill. He shares with us on how art...
- Tags: artist, arts and humanity, Chess Brodnick, creativity, Episode 40: Chess Brodnick - Interior Abstractions of Life, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, mental illness, motivation, personal stories, psychotherapist, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast
Episode: 19 - Mental Wellness Journey for Creative People
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode: 19 - Mental Wellness Journey for Creative People Our featured guest artist Jennifer Mazur has learned to live with some of the debilitating issues associated with mental wellness through her paintings. Jennifer has developed her artistic style and attributes her creative success to learning how to refocus and rethink some of the issues that she has had during her life with mental disabilities. She shares with us today her journey into mental wellness and how she is focusing her attention on painting and creativity to overcome this disability. Show Notes R: Hi everyone...And here we are...Celebrating what people...
- Tags: art community, artist, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, Jennifer Mazur, mental illness, mental wellness, Mental Wellness Happy Hour, mentalpod.com, motivation, Paul Gilmartin, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast