Podcast Episodes — loosen thoughts and creativity
Thought Row Episode 7: Sonia Bublaitis - Art Community, Family & Friends
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Thought Row Episode 7: Sonia Bublaitis - Art Community, Family & Friends A thought provoking conversation about the art community, family and friends. And how to inspire your creativity. Show Notes: R: And here we are… motivating you to live more creatively. I’m Rod Jones. I: And I’m Inci Jones… Welcome to the Thought Row podcast. Let’s start with a motivational quote. R: What do you have for us today Inci? Quote: There are friends, there’s family, and then there are friends that become family. Discuss - R: It’s always interesting the relationships...
- Tags: art community, creative, creative buddy system, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, loosen thoughts and creativity, motivation, motivational, motiviation, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Sonia Bublaitis, Sonia Bublaitis Art, Sonia Bublaitis Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, ThoughtRow Podcast
Thought Row Episode 6: Vanity of Art
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Thought Row Episode 6: Vanity of Art Show Notes: R: Hi everybody...welcome to the Thought Row podcast. We start our podcast with a quote from Inci. What is our quote for the day. I: Okay here is our quote for the day. Quote: The art of a people is a true mirror to their minds - J. Nehru R: Today we are going to talk about the Vanity of art. You may think it's vain to be vain. I: I can just imagine the Mona Lisa in the privacy of her boudoir, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall,...
- Tags: creative, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, loosen thoughts and creativity, motivation, motivational, motiviation, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, ThoughtRow Podcast, Vanity of Art
Thought Row Episode 3: 20 Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Stay in a Creative Frame of Mind All Day Long
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Thought Row Episode 3: 20 Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Stay in a Creative Frame of Mind All Day Long Quote of the Week ~ Energy is the key to creativity, energy is the key to life - William Shatner 20 Suggestions on how you can spark creativity: I: Today as promised, Rod and I are going to give you 20 suggestions on how you can spark your creativity everyday. R: Just going over these has helped me to re-think some of the good habits and bad habits that I’ve picked up. Inci what...
- Tags: 20 Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Stay Creative, bad creative habits, creative, creative buddy system, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, loosen thoughts and creativity, motivation, motivational, Rod Jones Artist, techniques for creativity
Thought Row Podcast Episode 2: Living in the Creative Moment
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Thought Row Podcast Episode 2: Living in the Creative Moment Quote: We may lose, we may win...but we will never be here again. - Eagles song- Take it Easy - Glenn Frey & Jackson Browne Creativity does not come “on time.” Doing creativity with a full-time job. Lunchtime creativity Writing a book on your phone Making notes and retaining your “Great Ideas.” When you look back on “brilliant ideas” and they seem not so brilliant. Being judgemental of your creativity. Does social media like Instagram and Facebook affect your creativity? Do you ever go blank when you try to summon...
- 1 comment
- Tags: anxiety, bad creative habits, creative, creative buddy system, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, loosen thoughts and creativity, motivation, motivational, Rod Jones Artist, social media anxiety, techniques for creativity, write a book on your lunchtime