Podcast Episodes — reiki master
Season 2 - Episode 15: Diane Calabrese - Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 15: Diane Calabrese - Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit In this podcast, we speak with Diane Calabrese. She has worked as a recreational therapist for many years implementing holistic healing modalities. She holds certificates in guided meditation, yoga, hand reflexology, crystal healing, and aromatherapy, plus she is a reiki master. Diane’s long dedication to the healthcare field led her to teach higher education to foster that passion with students in the field of recreational therapy. We ask Diane questions about meditation, reiki, crystal healing, and aromatherapy and find out how they can help our...
- Tags: aromatherapy, body & spirit, crystal healing, Diane Calabrese, guided meditation, hand reflexology, healing, healing modalities, purpose of life, recreational therapist, reiki healing, reiki master, Rod & Inci Jones, Season 2 - Episode 15: Diane Calabrese - Healing the Mind, Though Row Podcast, wellness, yoga