Podcast Episodes — opera
Season 2 - Ep: 3 - Leslie Travers - International Opera Stage Designer Shares his Creative Journey
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Season 2 - Ep: 3 - Leslie Travers - International Opera Stage Designer Shares his Creative Journey Rod and Inci interview one of the most influential Stage Designers in the world of opera and other stage productions Leslie Travers. UK-based Leslie Travers Stage Designer shares his amazing creative journey from his first creative thoughts as a child all the way to building some massive kinetic opera sets. He also discusses his role in developing the costumes and lighting. From his initial understanding of opera, he transfers what he hears into a form of visual beauty. If you have...
- Tags: costuming, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, kinetic opera sets, Leslie Travers, lighting, opera, opera production, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Season 2 - Ep: 3 - Leslie Travers - International Opera Stage Designer Shares his Creative Journey, set designs, stage designer, Thought Row Podcast
Episode 28 - Madison Marie McIntosh - Life of a Contemporary Opera Singer
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 28 - Madison Marie McIntosh - Life of a Contemporary Opera Singer Our guest Madison Marie McIntosh shares with us on this podcast episode her life as a contemporary opera singer and performer. You will now have the chance to hear what it’s like to be an opera singer and what goes on behind the scenes. Madison started singing at a very young age and with the support of her family was able to achieve great success as an opera singer. Madison, a mezzo-soprano, discusses vocal ranges, operas, and how she keeps her voice and body healthy. She also...
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- Tags: artist, creative, Inci Jones Artist, Madison Marie McIntosh, Madison Marie McIntosh - Life of a Contemporary Opera Singer, mezzo-soprano, opera, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast