Podcast Episodes — Italy
Episode 39: Giovanni Lazzaro - Italian Violin Maker
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 39: Giovanni Lazzaro - Italian Violin Maker In this episode, Giovanni Lazzaro an artisan of string instruments shares what it's like to be a true craftsman creating perfect performing instruments for the most accomplished musicians. He prides himself in creating instruments that best perform the true "Italian sound". Working with exotic woods and building a string instrument that not only looks elegant but achieves a heavenly sound that can last for centuries and handed down from one master musician to another. Show Notes: Episode 39: Giovanni Lazzaro Italian Violin Maker00:00:17 - 00:05:03Every time we schedule an...
- Tags: arts and humanities, creative, creativity, Episode 39: Giovanni Lazzaro - Italian Violin Maker, Giovanni Lazzaro, inspiration, Italian sound, Italy, motivation, music, musician, orchestra, personal stories, Rod and Inci Jones, symphony, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, violin
Episode 22: Linda Winter - What Saying YES Can Bring Into Your Life
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 22: Linda Winter - What Saying YES Can Bring Into Your Life This episode has it all - travel, psychology, creativity, art, inspiration, and exploring the world. Our special guest Linda Winter, is an artist, psychologist, and teacher. She lives an enviable creative life drawing and painting the villages and scenery in Italy. With a keen awareness of light and how it creates depth, which she manages to capture in her illustrations and paintings. Linda also explains what she teaches and has learned as a psychologist. We humans learn visually and how it impacts our learning and cognitive...
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- Tags: art, artist, creative, creativity, exploring Italy, illustrator, Inci Jones Artist, Italy, Linda Winter, motivation, painting in italy, psychologist, psychology, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast