Podcast Episodes — Ken Bagnis
Episode 47: Ken Bagnis - Former Rock Star Turns Author & Psychotherapist
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 47: Ken Bagnis - Former Rock Star, Turns Author & Psychotherapist Our guest Ken Bagnis discusses his former life as a rock star, and how his life took him down the path of becoming a psychotherapist, and then as a best selling author of novels for young adults. He shares his journey into his musical beginnings as a rock-n-roll singer to how his life evolved into a series of serendipities that led him into becoming an author. Ken Bagnis is an accomplished musician and practicing psychotherapist. He has been crafting stories and singing for rock-n-roll bands since his early...
- Tags: creative, creativity, Former Rock Star, Ken Bagnis, Mind Riot by Ken Bagnis, Rod and Inci Jones, serendipity, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, Turns Author & Psychotherapist