Podcast Episodes — blockchain
Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - PT 2 NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0 & Protecting Your IP
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - Pt 2 - NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0, and Protecting Your IP Part 2: NFTs, the Multiverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0 & Protecting Your IP - We discuss all this and more with Dion Wilson Creator of Rastr Technologies/Multiverse, Titanium Comics, and Hero Ledger. He focuses on how creators can now have the opportunity to register, sell, and license their unseen and under-utilized comic art & protect intellectual property.
- Tags: and Protecting Your IP, art, Blockchain, Brian Alvey, comic books, comic creator, creative, creativity, entrepeneur, Hero Comics, indie comic creator, inspiration, Jason McCabe Calacanis, motivation, NFTs, Rastr Technologies, Rod & Inci Jones, Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - Pt 2 - NFTs the Metaverse, the Metaverse, Thought Row Podcast, Titanium Comics, visual arts, Web 3.0, Wikipedia
Season 2 - Episode 12: Dion Wilson - Comic books, NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain and Web 3.0
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 12: Dion Wilson - Comic books, NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain and Web 3.0 Comic books, NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain and Web 3.0 - Dion Wilson Creator of Rastr Technologies/Metaverse and Titanium Comics focuses on how indie comic creators can now have the opportunity to register, sell, and license their unseen and under-utilized comic art & store intellectual property.
- Tags: blockchain, Blockchain and Web 3.0, comic art, comic books, comic creator, comic publisher, creativity, indie comic creators, inspiration, Metaverse, motivation, NFTs, NFTs the Metaverse, Rastr Technologies, Rod & Inci Jones, Season 2 - Episode 12: Dion Wilson - Comic books, Thought Row Podcast, Titanium Comics, visual arts, Web 3.0
Season 2 - Ep: 4: Sixtine Crutchfield - NFT's the Future of Creativity
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Season 2 - Ep: 4: Sixtine Crutchfield - NFT's the Future of Creativity Have questions about NFT's in the art world? What are they? Why are they important? How do they affect the art world? Rod and Inci were pleased to create this special edition episode on NFT's. This method of selling creativity is being talked about everywhere. Still, there seems to be a lot of confusion about what an NFT is and how it applies to art and other forms of collectibles, luxury goods, and even music. They discuss NFT's and what the letters actually stands for. They...
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- Tags: art daily, art world, blockchain, digital art, NFT, NFT collector, Nft Collectors, nft magazine, NFT marketplace, nft news, Rod and Inci Jones, Season 2 - Ep: 4: Sixtine Crutchfield - NFT's the Future of Creativity, Sixtine Crutchfield, Thought Row podcast, WiseKey, WiseKey Art