Podcast Episodes — Vanity of Art
Thought Row Episode 6: Vanity of Art
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Thought Row Episode 6: Vanity of Art Show Notes: R: Hi everybody...welcome to the Thought Row podcast. We start our podcast with a quote from Inci. What is our quote for the day. I: Okay here is our quote for the day. Quote: The art of a people is a true mirror to their minds - J. Nehru R: Today we are going to talk about the Vanity of art. You may think it's vain to be vain. I: I can just imagine the Mona Lisa in the privacy of her boudoir, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall,...
- Tags: creative, creatives, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, loosen thoughts and creativity, motivation, motivational, motiviation, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, ThoughtRow Podcast, Vanity of Art