Podcast Episodes — voice actor
Episode 24: Gary Spangler - Life of a Voice-Over Actor
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 24: Gary Spangler - Life of a Voice-Over Actor Our guest Gary Spangler voice actor, shared some of the projects he's done where he's created special voices for radio commercials and cartoon characters. Gary is one of those lucky people that has great control over his voice. He can go anywhere from a British accent to a quirky cartoon character. He even shares with us some of the voices he has created. One minute he is narrating a pharmaceutical commercial for radio, and the next, the regional dialect of the U.S.. He discusses the challenges of book narration...
- Tags: creative, creativity, Gary Spangler, Inci Jones Artist, motivation, narrating a book, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, voice actor, voice-over actor, voice-over for commercials, voice-over for video games, voice-over talent