Podcast Episodes — Plein Air Painting
Thought Row Episode 14: Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with Deborah Czernecky
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with Deborah Czernecky Like to paint outdoors? We do too… Then tune in to this week's podcast. Adventures in Plein Air Landscape Painting with our special guest Deborah Czernecky. She is a full-time Plein Air landscape artist. You can hear her thoughts and ideas and learn the challenges when painting in the great outdoors. Deborah shares her extensive knowledge in what it takes to be a Plein Air artist that travels extensively. She also teaches students how to manage painting in diverse environments all over the world. Links for Deborah Czernecky IG - deborahczernecky_artistFB...
- Tags: art community, artist, creative, creative buddy system, creatives, creativity, Deborah Czernecky, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, motivation, motivational, motiviation, Plein Air, Plein Air Artist, Plein Air Painting, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist