Podcast Episodes — art
Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - PT 2 NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0 & Protecting Your IP
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - Pt 2 - NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0, and Protecting Your IP Part 2: NFTs, the Multiverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0 & Protecting Your IP - We discuss all this and more with Dion Wilson Creator of Rastr Technologies/Multiverse, Titanium Comics, and Hero Ledger. He focuses on how creators can now have the opportunity to register, sell, and license their unseen and under-utilized comic art & protect intellectual property.
- Tags: and Protecting Your IP, art, Blockchain, Brian Alvey, comic books, comic creator, creative, creativity, entrepeneur, Hero Comics, indie comic creator, inspiration, Jason McCabe Calacanis, motivation, NFTs, Rastr Technologies, Rod & Inci Jones, Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - Pt 2 - NFTs the Metaverse, the Metaverse, Thought Row Podcast, Titanium Comics, visual arts, Web 3.0, Wikipedia
Episode 49: Deenagh Miller - Art, Creativity & the Creative Process
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 49: Deenagh Miller - Art, Creativity & the Creative Process In our conversations with the artist Deenagh Miller, we explore her career as a full-time artist. We also discuss with her what she learned as an art teacher about representational and non-representational art, art galleries, and the future of art. She also talks about her creative life in Italy. She explains her pen and ink drawings. She shares her philosophical views on being creative and has some advice for people that want to be more creative. Deenagh says, " Images affect and influence our mood and state of mind whether...
- Tags: art, artist, arts and humanities, creativity, Creativity & the Creative Process, Episode 49: Deenagh Miller - Art, Inci Jones Artist, motivation, personal stories, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast
Episode 37: Sixtine Crutchfield - Fame Fine Art & International Art Management
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 37: Sixtine Crutchfield - Fame Fine Art & International Art Management Sixtine Crutchfield is a formidable force in the art world. She shares with us her passion in the sometimes difficult world of the international art market. One of her most recent accomplishments was designing and implementing the Geneva School of Business - Fine Art International Management (FAIM) MBA program - A Business Graduate Degree in Fine Art. Anyone that is pursuing a high-level career in the art world will want to hear what Sixtine Crutchfield has to share. This episode will give everyone the opportunity to listen...
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- Tags: art, art market, art marketing, art scene, art talk, arts and humanities, creative, Fame Fine Art & International Art Management, Geneva, Geneva Business School, Geneva School of Business - Fine Art International Management, high level art market, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, motiviation, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Sixtine Crutchfield, Sixtine Crutchfield - Fame Fine Art & International Art Management, Switerland, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast
Episode 32: Nalini Malaviya - The Creative World in Bangalore India
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 32: Nalini Malaviya - The Creative World in Bangalore India We are always proud to have creative guests from interesting places in the world. Nalini Malaviya is from Bangalore, India, where she is an art consultant, curator, writer, founder, and publisher of Art Scene India. You will learn about the art, creativity, and culture of this beautiful part of the world. Nalini is very open and candid about her personal journey and her philosophy when it comes to artistic creativity. We know you will enjoy this creative thinker's thoughts and ideas. Show Notes: Opening...
- Tags: art, art community, art curator, art scene, Art Scene India, art talk, arts and humanities, Bangalor India, Banglor, creative, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, India, inspiration, motivation, Nalini Malaviya, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, writer
Episode 30: Ayelet Amrani Navon - Interdisciplinary Artist that Inspires Thought
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 30: Ayelet Amrani Navon - Interdisciplinary Artist that Inspires Thought Our guest, Ayelet Amrani Navon, is an artist living and working in Israel. She paints, makes objects and installations, and experiments with one-on-one performative work. She shares her life and artistic journey with us and how she is navigating re-imagining her life from corporate lawyer to accomplished artist. She is concerned with the human body, self and not-self, and points of contact with the other. Swans, pianos, and her personal biography are also recurring themes in her work. On the Thought Row podcast, we are always excited to...
- Tags: art, art talk, artist, artists from Isreal, Ayelet Amrani Navon, Ayelet Amrani Navon - Interdisciplinary Artist that Inspires Thought, Ayelet Amrani Navon artist, creative, creativity, Inci Jones Artist, Isreali artist, motivation, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast