Podcast Episodes — creativity
Season 2 - Episode 20: Jason Thornberry - No Limits, No Boundaries on Becoming a Writer
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 20: Jason Thornberry - No Limits, No Boundaries on Becoming a Writer In this episode, we speak with Jason M. Thornberry about his creative beginnings as a touring musician then to the unbelievable events that led him to become a celebrated writer. Jason shares with us how he overcame a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic epilepsy, spending many months relearning how to walk and speak. He went on to earn an MFA in Creative Writing from Chapman University. He currently lives in Seattle with his wife—and he’s finishing his first novel. Jason's work appears in The...
- Tags: Broadkill Review, Chapman University, creativity, epilepsy, Harbor Review, inspiration, Jason M. Thornberry, learning how to speak, motivation, musician, No Boundaries on Becoming a Writer, Season 2 - Episode 20: Jason Thornberry - No Limits, traumatic brain injury, writer
Season 2 - Episode 14: Jurian Isabelle - Emerging Film Maker, Writer & Producer Tapping Into Creative Energy
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 14: Jurian Isabelle - Emerging Film Maker, Writer & Producer Tapping Into Creative Energy Jurian Isabelle shares his journey as a filmmaker, writer, and producer. He discusses how he followed his creative dreams and let faith and spirituality fuel his vision. He discusses how he is a part of an emerging new filmmaking generation producing films and gaining worldwide reach and exposure through the modern advent of Streaming and Social Media. His forte for combining faith & spirituality with tough, gritty, and often unsettling realities showcased in the 2017 film The Last Disciples went viral on...
- 1 comment
- Tags: Amazon Prime movies, Candy movie, creative energy, creativity, dreams, faith, film maker, follow your dreams, God of Dreams, Jurian Isabelle, producer, Rod & Inci Jones, Season 2 - Episode 14: Jurian Isabelle - Emerging Film Maker, spirituality, The Last Disciples, Thought Row podcast, Tubi, writer, Writer & Producer Tapping Into Creative Energy, You Tube
Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - PT 2 NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0 & Protecting Your IP
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - Pt 2 - NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0, and Protecting Your IP Part 2: NFTs, the Multiverse, Blockchain, Web 3.0 & Protecting Your IP - We discuss all this and more with Dion Wilson Creator of Rastr Technologies/Multiverse, Titanium Comics, and Hero Ledger. He focuses on how creators can now have the opportunity to register, sell, and license their unseen and under-utilized comic art & protect intellectual property.
- Tags: and Protecting Your IP, art, Blockchain, Brian Alvey, comic books, comic creator, creative, creativity, entrepeneur, Hero Comics, indie comic creator, inspiration, Jason McCabe Calacanis, motivation, NFTs, Rastr Technologies, Rod & Inci Jones, Season 2 - Episode 13: Dion Wilson - Pt 2 - NFTs the Metaverse, the Metaverse, Thought Row Podcast, Titanium Comics, visual arts, Web 3.0, Wikipedia
Season 2 - Episode 12: Dion Wilson - Comic books, NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain and Web 3.0
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 12: Dion Wilson - Comic books, NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain and Web 3.0 Comic books, NFTs the Metaverse, Blockchain and Web 3.0 - Dion Wilson Creator of Rastr Technologies/Metaverse and Titanium Comics focuses on how indie comic creators can now have the opportunity to register, sell, and license their unseen and under-utilized comic art & store intellectual property.
- Tags: blockchain, Blockchain and Web 3.0, comic art, comic books, comic creator, comic publisher, creativity, indie comic creators, inspiration, Metaverse, motivation, NFTs, NFTs the Metaverse, Rastr Technologies, Rod & Inci Jones, Season 2 - Episode 12: Dion Wilson - Comic books, Thought Row Podcast, Titanium Comics, visual arts, Web 3.0
Season 2 - Episode 11: Jill Carlyle - Finding 50 - Rising in Midlife and Belonging to Yourself
Posted by Angie Johnson on

Season 2 - Episode 11: Jill Carlyle - Finding 50 - Rising in Midlife and Belonging to Yourself Our guest Jill Carlyle, the author of the book "Finding 50" talks about a difficult childhood, rough times as an adult, multiple divorces to becoming a college professor, and a best-selling author. Her painful life as a child to her tumultuous teen-aged years helped to build her tenacity and realize her personal and creative goals in life. She shares with us her very genuine story of how she went from trying to earn her GED in her late 40s to a...
- Tags: best selling author, change your life, college professor, creaive goals, creativity, difficult childhood, earning your GED, Finding 50, genuine story, getting your GED, Inci Jones Artist, inspiration, inspiration after divorce, inspirational story, Jill Calyle, Jill Carlyle, make it happen, make your dreams come true, motivational story, personal goals, Rod & Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Season 2 - Episode 11: Jill Carlyle - Finding 50 - Rising in Midlife and Belonging to Yourself, Thought Row Podcast, what to do after a divorce