Podcast Episodes — Episode 49: Deenagh Miller - Art
Episode 49: Deenagh Miller - Art, Creativity & the Creative Process
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 49: Deenagh Miller - Art, Creativity & the Creative Process In our conversations with the artist Deenagh Miller, we explore her career as a full-time artist. We also discuss with her what she learned as an art teacher about representational and non-representational art, art galleries, and the future of art. She also talks about her creative life in Italy. She explains her pen and ink drawings. She shares her philosophical views on being creative and has some advice for people that want to be more creative. Deenagh says, " Images affect and influence our mood and state of mind whether...
- Tags: art, artist, arts and humanities, creativity, Creativity & the Creative Process, Episode 49: Deenagh Miller - Art, Inci Jones Artist, motivation, personal stories, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast