Podcast Episodes — milkweed
Episode 50: Debbie Dekleva - Saving the Monarch Butterfly Naturally
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 50: Debbie Dekleva - Saving the Monarch Butterfly Naturally Our guest Debbie Dekleva shares her life-long mission to save the Monarch Butterfly habitat. You will learn what you can do to help save one of nature's most beautiful gifts when it comes to the butterfly. She is a strong advocate of cultivating milkweed, which is a natural resource with many beneficial uses. But it also just happens to be the place where Monarch Butterflies like to dine. She talks about her organization Sustainable Monarch, discussing her passion for helping the Monarch Butterflies. Debbie shares with us her 30-year long...
- Tags: creativity, Debbie Dekleva, Episode 50: Debbie Dekleva - Saving the Monarch Butterfly Naturally, Inci Jones Artist, milkweed, motivation, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Sustainable Monarch, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast