Podcast Episodes — interview
Episode 52: Farhan Niaz - Human Side of Customer Experience
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 52: Farhan Niaz - Human Side of Customer Experience Rod and Inci start the show with a great quote from Walt Disney that everyone can relate to. They discuss the Power of Now and the book by Eckhardt Tolle and how you can adopt this strategy to help you maintain some sanity in these unusual times. Rod & Inci share some information related to customer experience and how it can greatly benefit every creative person in their endeavors, sales, and audience. This episode's guest knows what Customer Experience - CX is all about and how everyone is affected...
- Tags: creative, creatives, creativity, Episode 52: Farhan Niaz - Human Side of Customer Experience, Inci Jones Artist, interview, personal stories, Power of Now Eckhardt Tolle, Rod and Inci Jones, Rod Jones Artist, Thought Row, Thought Row Podcast, Walt Disney quote
Episode 51: Terri Nakamura - Harnessing the Power of Social Media
Posted by Inci Johnson on

Episode 51: Terri Nakamura - Harnessing the Power of Social Media In this episode, show co-hosts Rod & Inci Jones share their quote of the day and motivational thought, and then discuss the pros & cons of social media and how its impacted their social media presence. After Rod & Inci's brief discussion, they introduce Terri Nakamura, who is a Social Media Consultant, Designer, Writer, and Author of "Blogging on Instagram: Engagement Writing on One of the World's Best Social Media Platforms". Their guest Terri Nakamura discusses with them the power of blogging on Instagram and its benefits. Teri shares with...
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- Tags: being effective in social media, Blogging on Instagram, building your social media prescence, creative, creativity, Episode 51: Terri Nakamura - Harnessing the Power of Social Media, interview, motivation thought, pros and cons of social media, quote, Rod and Inci Jones, Social Media Consultant, Thought Row Podcast, Twitter