Thought Row Podcast Episode #1 - Creative Entrepreneur

Posted by Thought Row Admin on

Thought Row Podcast Episode 1: Entrepreneurial Creativity

Episode 1: Entrepreneurial Creativity.

Rod & Inci discuss dreams and their impact on creativity

Distractions we all face with social media.

The vanity of social media.

Entrepreneurial life, Entrepreneurial families

Interview with Rose Bishay - How she became an entrepreneur. And the process she went through in developing and selling These Hands Lotion Mask.

Her experiences in website development and using various social media platforms to attract customers.

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  • Our dear talented friend…thank you so much for your very kind words & thoughts. We hope you get back into your creative routine. You are very talented and have much to offer. In fact, we hope to have you as a guest in the future. You and Paul stay blessed. Thanks again ~ Rod & Inci

    Rod & Inci Jones on
  • Thank you for your beautiful creation. Inci and Rod, your conversing is delightful. You sound very professional. Inci, sorry, I thought your name is Angie. It is so good to hear you two lovebirds!. Your enormous amount of knowledge and experience is good to hear. I didn’t realize that you had already started you pod cast. Yahoo for you 2! It is exactly what I need to hear. May your year be joyous and full of so much creativity. What a gift to share what you know. I feel better already. I have not been able to do my art for the past several months, being overtaken by the crazy drama going on in this country. So while listening to you 2, I did doodle, so who knows what is next. Be well, stay safe. Much love, Andrea

    Andrea Willow on

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